Newhaven West Beach
Day Use Area
Has not been rated.
The beach is composed of a bank of pebbles and shingle above the high water mark with some sand as the tide goes out and is suitable for swimming and kayaking. The Newhaven Fort sits above the cliffs behind the beach.
Dogs are permitted.
Fees apply for the parking area. Charges apply to cars, vans and motor homes, everyday from 8am to 6pm. There are no charges for blue badge holders and motorcycles.
Motorhomes or any vehicle adapted to sleep in will be prohibited to park in any Beachlands car park from 10pm-6am, 7 days a week 365 days of the year.
Lat: 50.781717 Lng: 0.055278
User Reviews
User 79318
Nice Place to stay the night. Little grass area, chemical toilets, only 10 Pounds. However it gets a bit noise in the morning from the port nearby. Gate for vehicles over 2m will lock at 6pm and reopen at 8am.
Overnight stays no longer permitted. Motorhomes or any vehicle adapted to sleep in will be prohibited to park in any Beachlands car park from 10pm-6am, 7 days a week 365 days of the year.